Kali Fury
2 min readDec 14, 2020


Photo by Prajak Kumar Das on Unsplash

When Gautama becomes a memory, a collective memory, physiology of peace, a body and mind in congruence with each other, the nervous system is returned to homeostasis.

A mind-body in harmony with the NOW.

Gautama is a memory of a body free from a narrative of the mind. The Bodhisattva is a body that is free from the tyranny of the SPELL OF WORDS, an end of a TRANCE.

Freedom from a top-down tyranny

TRUTH is a visceral experience.

Thought loops are traps. They repeat like the wheel of samsara. They trap us in never ending narratives of seeking external comforts. They force us to abandon the NOW, for an illusory past and future, the MATRIX. They interrupt the flow of BREATH.

Slavery, oppression, capitalism, socialism… feminism…mantras of victims/victor consciousness.

Drop the words, and we are free to experience the world as a direct, visceral, experience.


This outward fixation is an abandonment of ourselves.

UNITY is so simple, even comprehension is not required.

When words drop away, and raw senses are all that is left, one is left in shimmering PRESENCE.

In the experience of the raw senses, even the word, “I” dissipates, flows like water to join the NOW as one continuous ocean of PRE-SENSE.

