The forty foot view of the Trump phenomenon

Kali Fury
4 min readAug 4, 2023

One needs a detached view to truly understand Trump and his strategies. I will probably be called names and insulted for writing this, but it’s long overdue.

Just for the record, I didn’t vote in the 2016 election.

Most liberals treat the Trump phenomenon as a runaway freight train. Progressives tend to believe he’s part of the same elite club that has been running the world for at least the past 80 years because he’s wealthy and a billionaire, real thimble deep analysis.

Progressives tend to believe that Trump’s presidency was just another election and that he too cheated to get into office. I believe he won by a landslide. There is no evidence to support that he cheated. If he did that would not be lost on the Establishment. After all, they invented Russiagate. Most progressives see the unfairness with which Trump is being treated but cannot fathom the depth of why it is so. The duopoly of the establishment treats its own with kid gloves even when they pretend to be on the side of the people.

They won’t attack Bernie the same way they do Trump, because Trump is the real threat to their hold on power.

Mainstream progressives treat the Trump Presidency as just another four-year election. It was never that.

Trump was the wrecking ball to an incredibly toxic, psychopathic system that fueled division and gaslighted the public for so long. People accepted this as a norm in the political field.

True, he played his part in blurting out truth in a very blunt, loud and obnoxious way. He was in your face. That was his role. For which, he was smeared, labeled a fascist, racist and a misogynist.

The typical narcissist playbook.

The media manufactured mind virus, Trump Derangement Syndrome was spread far and wide until every liberal was infected by it to this day. Even those who live in other countries, but watch CNN are infected by this virus.

He came into a majority democratic congress and senate, not that the establishment republicans supported him. Even those who pretended to be outside the establishment like Bernie, AOC, and the Squad folded and played dead when it came to fomenting any real change. All we got was theater from them.

Does anyone really believe Trump could have done anything of value unless he played the Establishment Game?

During his term, the Covid nightmare was unleashed to shut down the economy, gaslight the public into a fear campaign so wide and complete, to create the dystopian world they so long for. Such a world would be ideal for controlling 8 billion people.

Over the last three years, researching and listening to both sides, the liberals and the conservatives, I’ve come to my own conclusions as to who Trump is.

No, he’s not another politician. Trump has a team of strategists and 200 generals behind him who are sick and tired of the psychopathic system.

I choose to stay unidentified with both sides. I am just, curious about the truth.

Trump and his team realized what they could achieve if they tapped into a large group of disgruntled, marginalized conservatives, especially White conservatives, who were often labeled as White supremacist, racists, and fascists in the liberal mainstream. So, he turned to this particular group and weaponized them against the system. They were glad to have someone actually take them seriously.

Trump team realized that the corporate owned politicians had already created the conditions ripe for real change. They are too arrogant to even realize that.

This white conservative group became the Trump army of digital soldiers, who went to work content creating and questioning everything that the establishment was doing.

They questioned the vax mandates, vaccines, the Big Pharma’s rush to inject us all with an untested mRNA shot and make billions out of the pandemic. The media screamed racism, police brutality and highlighted every event that would spur division.

They created the digital war against the mainstream narrative which made all of us sit up and look a little deeper, to question our assumptions. Even the progressives are now talking about the vax mandates and the high number of serious adverse events taking place among the vaxed.

The more the mainstream media, establishment politicians, and the Hollywood crowd attacked and maimed Trump, the more popular he got.

I believe the Trump team knows that the progressives are really impotent in creating any kind of movement of real change. They just parrot about socialism, minimum wage, unions, Medicare for all. None of which would bring about real change to such a corrupt and morally bankrupt system.

What we really need is real healing, not more corruption of the Medicare system, and the poison of the pharmaceutical engine. What we need is genuine abundance and prosperity, not to dabble in the symptoms of a corrupt and morally and spiritually bankrupt system.

It is the system itself we have to disrupt. Part of that conditioning is to be trapped in limited ideology and imagination, never accessing our own individual potential.

It needs to be demolished to the ground and people need to be deprogrammed from years of mind controlled programming.

It’s not another four-year election. It’s controlled demolition.

That’s the real reason they go after Trump with everything they’ve got. In doing so, they reveal themselves to be the psychopathic narcissists they are, which is brilliant.

They are now trapped in their narcissistic game of smear campaigns and flying monkeys.

It is the Art of War. Use their own games to expose them.

If it weren’t for Trump’s presidency, we would never know what was happening under the surface.

Exposure ends the power of the elite for good. It’s not pretty or comfortable but it is how change, genuine change occurs.

