Buddha’s Bowl

Kali Fury
3 min readJan 14, 2023

Byron Katie provides this beautiful analogy for Buddha’s bowl. It has stayed in my heart for many years. It’s been bubbling up again with regards to my writing, my visibility in Medium and other social platforms.

When the Buddha stands outside holding out his bowl, he doesn’t know for certain he will get fed that day. Yet, his response to the empty bowl is a resounding “yes,” as it is to a full bowl of rice. More often than not, he gets fed.

For it is a privilege to feed the Buddha. A privilege to be in service to the unconditional.

The love of all loves.

This is living from a standpoint of non-duality. We are so programmed to place conditions upon life, for so many conditions were placed upon us from such a young age.

We have forgotten the art of unconditional living.

How does it relate to my writing?

I used popularity as a barometer for my writing, thereby placing conditions upon that which is rising up to the surface. I looked at what everyone else is doing to get seen. I find most popular writings uninspiring.

Yes they win the popularity contest, yet so empty.

Part of conditional living has been to be in total service to the ego. The ego uses words to divide and conquer, to agree, disagree and weaponize words for its war against reality.

Ego is not inherently bad.

A healthy ego is required to have a localized and unique experience. It’s when we only feed the ego to the exclusion of all else, trouble begins. Our lives become mayhem, overwhelming with worry, anxiety and other mental health concerns. We become possessed by our pain body. We tend to narrow the scope of our existence to the material realm, thereby limiting perception and becoming very shallow creatures.

How can I become more attuned with the Universe? With a more conscious humanity waiting in the wings? By listening to my heart and becoming its servant.

Allowing expectations to dissipate like mist in the sun.

My job is to write from the heart, leaving the rest to God, Universe whatever name you give that force, is irrelevant.

When I attuned with the ego, it is mayhem.

How do we penetrate the skin of this limited perceptual nightmare we are in, the glass ceiling of a self imposed prison? Expand beyond it. Breathe a long slow breath and interrupt the thought loop.

I don’t have to listen to the dictates of others, who are in service of the ego. I can stay more true to the inner voice regardless of its popularity in the ego realm.

Just write to serve the heart.

When it’s time, this writing will be met, or not. It’s not about me. It’s about being in service to love!

Today, I have served love and at peace with whatever the outcome.

